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Tuesday, December 05, 2023

A proposed Master's program in Library Science with a specialization in AI and Digital Technologies

Master's program in Library and Information Science (LIS) with specialization in AI and Digital Technologies

As fellow librarians and stakeholders, I  urge your support and approval to commence a discussion that will make a significant contribution to the field of Library and Information Science and Artificial intelligence. Your participation will be invaluable in shaping the future of our profession. ~ Victor 
The world of library and information science is evolving at a breakneck pace, with digital technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) playing an increasingly vital role. To keep up with this transformation, a new specialization in the Master's in Library Science program has been proposed, a specialization in AI and Digital Technologies. The specialization aims to equip students with the skills they need to navigate and innovate in the modern digital information landscape.

The reason behind this specialization is the growing use of AI technologies like ChatGPT in various sectors, including libraries. To meet this demand, the curriculum combines traditional library science with cutting-edge digital competencies. The program aims to produce graduates who are not only proficient in conventional librarianship but are also skilled at using AI and digital tools to enhance information access, management, and dissemination.

By doing so, the specialization will prepare students to meet the demands of the rapidly changing information landscape and contribute to the advancement of the field. With this program, students will be able to stay ahead of the curve and make a meaningful impact in the world of library and information science.

Sunday, December 03, 2023

AI and Law: Unpacking Sandra Wachter's 2023 Lecture at Gresham College

Exploring AI's Legal Challenges: Sandra Wachter's Insightful Lecture at Gresham College

In the insightful lecture "How AI Disrupts The Law," presented by Sandra Wachter at Gresham College on October 11, 2023, the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and its implications on legal frameworks are thoroughly examined. This lecture, part of Gresham College's historic tradition of offering free public classes, has attracted significant attention with over 2,831 views.

Key Focus Areas:

  • AI and Misinformation: Examining how AI algorithms contribute to the spread of misinformation and the urgency for legal adaptations in the digital age.
  • AI-Induced Discrimination: Discuss the biases inherent in AI systems and the need for legal measures to address new forms of discrimination emerging from algorithmic decision-making.
  • Workplace Automation and AI: Exploring the impact of AI on job markets and the transformative effects of automation across various sectors.

Importance for Legal and Societal Frameworks:

The lecture raises critical questions about the adequacy of existing legal structures in the face of AI advancements. It emphasizes the necessity for updated laws and governance strategies to mitigate AI bias, protect privacy, and ensure accountability in algorithmic systems.

Access to Lecture Resources:

For those interested in exploring this topic further, the transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available on the Gresham College website. The college, with a legacy of over 400 years in public education, continues to offer a wealth of knowledge through its lectures, accessible to all.

Engagement and Support:

Viewers are encouraged to engage with Gresham College's content on social media platforms and consider supporting their mission of providing free, high-quality educational content.

Ethical AI Unveiled: Mastering Bias Mitigation and Responsible Data Use in Machine Learning


Video Title: "Advancing AI Ethics and Bias Mitigation in Data and Models"

This insightful video delves into the critical aspects of AI ethics, focusing on the mitigation of bias in data and machine learning models. It highlights the importance of responsible AI usage, addressing how data is composed, how models perform, and the tasks AI is applied to. The video emphasizes the need for comprehensive reporting in AI applications to achieve responsible usage.

Key Insights

The speaker discusses the limitations and challenges in adopting AI tools and approaches, emphasizing the need for active reporting and awareness of potential errors. The video also explores the proactive participation required in AI applications and the importance of considering high-stakes scenarios in AI usage.

Additionally, the video touches on the ethical considerations in AI, including the impact of language in natural language processing and the biases that can be embedded in AI systems. It stresses the importance of understanding the implications of AI decisions on people's lives.

Highlighted Segments

  • Discussion on the ethical aspects of AI and the importance of bias mitigation.
  • Analysis of the role of language and cultural beliefs in AI systems, particularly in natural language processing.
  • Examination of the trolley dilemma and self-driving car scenarios to illustrate ethical challenges in AI decision-making.

Visual and Presentation Review

The video presents a detailed and informative lecture on AI ethics and bias mitigation. The speaker's analytical approach effectively clarifies complex concepts and engages viewers interested in AI, ethics, and data science.

Impact and Objective

The objective of this video is to educate viewers on the ethical considerations and challenges in AI applications, particularly in data bias and model reporting. It aims to foster a deeper understanding of responsible AI usage and its impact on society.


"Advancing AI Ethics and Bias Mitigation in Data and Models" offers a comprehensive exploration of the ethical dimensions in AI. It is a valuable resource for professionals and enthusiasts in AI, data science, and ethics, providing insights into responsible AI practices and decision-making.


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