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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Explore ChatGPT for Free | Quick Start Guide for Librarians and Researchers

How to play with ChatGPT for free when you are afraid to ask

Here is a step-by-step guide designed specifically for our librarians and researchers who are curious and would like to play.

Have Fun, and don't pay for ChatGPT Training when free!

  • Navigating the OpenAI Landscape: 
    • Creating an Account
    • Visit and create your account today!
    •  Remember to confirm your email for a seamless experience.

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  • The OpenAI Playground
    • After you make your account head over to OpenAI Playground.
    • Sign in with your OpenAI account and select your AI model - ChatGPT, for instance.

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Unraveling the Mysteries of ChatGPT:

Generating Responses with ChatGPT

Once you are on, you can explore ChatGPT.

            If you need help with what to ask, you can use some of ours from our quick start prompt guide.


            Or find prompts on some websites we reviewed.


Friday, May 19, 2023

ChatGPT and The Custom Education to Come

The incorporation of ChatGPT into the educational domain has the potential to transform the conventional information-seeking model. 

ChatGPT can provide students with immediate access to information and answers to their queries.

This platform expands the traditional role of libraries and librarians by offering a digitized, user-friendly, and effective tool that democratizes access to knowledge. 

ChatGPT enables users to access a wide range of information and resources previously only available in physical libraries. This platform is a game-changer for those who seek knowledge and information in a fast and efficient manner.

Another critical advantage of ChatGPT in information seeking is its ability to cater to individual student learning needs. Learners may have diverse educational preferences and grasp concepts at varying paces. 

ChatGPT, with its capacity for understanding and generating nuanced responses, can provide tailored information that aligns with each student's unique learning curve. This aspect contributes to creating more personalized and engaging learning experiences, making information-seeking not just a task but an exciting journey of discovery.

Customizing learning pathways is an essential aspect of modern education. Educators can create a more engaging and effective learning environment by tailoring the learning experience to each student's needs and preferences. This approach allows students to learn at their own pace and in a way that suits their unique learning style. Additionally, personalized learning pathways help to identify areas where students may be struggling and provide targeted support to help them succeed.

Fostering independent learning is a crucial aspect of education. It involves equipping students with the necessary skills and resources to take charge of their learning. In addition, independent learning allows students to develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and self-motivation. 

Teachers can foster independent learning by providing opportunities for students to explore their interests, encouraging them to ask questions, and guiding them toward resources that can help them learn independently. By fostering independent learning, teachers can help students become lifelong learners capable of adapting to new challenges and confidently pursuing their goals.

The instant and customizable responses from ChatGPT are invaluable tools in promoting independent learning. As students interact with ChatGPT, they learn to formulate their inquiries efficiently and interpret the generated responses effectively. This process enhances their research skills, comprehension abilities, and critical thinking. 

Thursday, May 18, 2023

The LLama Effect: Impressive Open Source Alternatives to ChatGPT

How an Accidental Leak Sparked a Series of Impressive Open-Source Alternatives to ChatGPT


The open-source model has demonstrated viability in generative AI, particularly text-to-image models. Recently, the same level of success has been observed in the large language model (LLM) space, with the accidental leak of the LLM known as LLama. This inadvertent release has brought to light the potential of open-source models in the LLM space. The LLama model has exhibited promising results in generating coherent and contextually relevant text, which has significant implications for natural language processing and generation. The success of the LLama model underscores the importance of open-source models in advancing the field of AI and making it more accessible to researchers and developers.

Implications for Librarians

As the landscape of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as LLama, GPT-4, and others continues to evolve, the role of librarians in educating and facilitating users' understanding of these models becomes crucial. In addition, with the emergence of open-source alternatives, there is likely to be increased user interest and inquiries. Librarians can help guide these inquiries by familiarizing themselves with these models' capabilities and potential uses.

By comprehending and leveraging these models, librarians can significantly enhance the library's role in fostering knowledge and understanding of this critical field.

How might these advancements impact librarians?

Resource Guidance

Libraries could play a crucial role in providing resources related to AI and machine learning, both online and offline. With the increasing popularity of open-source models like LLama and its derivatives, librarians can assist users in finding appropriate resources to understand these technologies. This could include academic papers, books, tutorials, or even links to open-source software and codebases. By offering access to a wide range of resources, libraries can help individuals stay up-to-date with the latest developments in AI and machine learning and ultimately contribute to the growth and advancement of these fields.
Facilitating Learning

As with any technical topic, the learning curve for understanding LLMs can be steep. However, librarians can play an essential role in helping users navigate this learning process. This could involve directing users toward essential resources, explaining basic concepts, or helping them access online courses or workshops related to LLMs. By doing so, librarians can empower users to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively utilize LLMs in their research and work. Additionally, librarians can serve as a valuable resource for troubleshooting issues or answering questions that may arise during the learning process. Overall, the support and guidance librarians provide can make a significant difference in helping users overcome the challenges associated with learning about LLMs.

Anticipating Future Trends

As AI evolves, it brings new technologies, applications, and ethical considerations. Librarians, as information professionals, should strive to stay ahead of these trends to prepare for future user inquiries. This means keeping up-to-date with the latest developments in AI and related fields and understanding the potential implications of these technologies for society. By doing so, librarians can better serve their users and help them navigate the complex landscape of AI and its impact on our world. The implications of these open-source models extend beyond just user inquiries and education. They also impact how libraries function. With the increasing availability of open-source materials, libraries may need to adapt their collections and services to meet the changing needs of their patrons. Additionally, using open-source models may lead to greater collaboration and sharing of resources among libraries, ultimately benefiting the entire community. As such, libraries must stay informed about these developments and be prepared to embrace new approaches to serving their users.

Information Discovery and Retrieval

LLMs, or Language Models, are practical tools for processing and understanding text. They could revolutionize how we search for information in libraries. LLMs can provide more accurate and relevant search results by understanding natural language queries. Additionally, LLMs can provide more contextually aware search results, which is especially useful in research contexts. Overall, the use of LLMs in libraries has the potential to significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of information retrieval.


AI models can automate or augment aspects of the cataloging process. For example, providing more accurate or detailed tagging and classification of resources can lead to more accessible and efficient discovery. This can significantly benefit organizations that deal with large amounts of data and information, such as libraries, archives, and museums. With the help of AI, these institutions can streamline their cataloging processes and make their resources more accessible to the public.

User Engagement

Libraries can leverage LLMs to provide interactive and personalized experiences to their users. In today's world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives. One of the most significant applications of AI is in the field of conversational systems. With the help of AI-based systems, users can have conversations to get reading recommendations, clarify their doubts, or get help with research. These experiences can drive user engagement and satisfaction, making it a win-win situation for both the user and the system. As AI continues to evolve, we can expect conversational systems to become even more sophisticated, providing users an even better experience.

Information Discovery and Retrieval

As AI models become more sophisticated, they are increasingly capable of understanding and generating human-like text. This could revolutionize how information is discovered and retrieved in libraries. For instance, users could interact with an AI-based system that understands natural language queries and provides accurate results. Furthermore, the system could even suggest related topics or materials based on the context of the queries, making the search process more efficient and effective. With the help of AI, libraries could become more accessible and user-friendly, providing a wealth of knowledge at the fingertips of anyone with an internet connection.

Ethical Considerations

The rise of LLMs (Language and Learning Machines) presents various opportunities for libraries and their users. However, these opportunities come with ethical considerations that must be addressed. Issues such as data privacy, security, and the potential misuse of AI are significant and must be addressed. As librarians, we educate users about these issues and promote responsible use of AI technologies. By doing so, we can ensure that the benefits of LLMs are maximized while minimizing any potential negative consequences.

Professional Development

Given these developments, librarians may need new skills to stay relevant. Therefore, understanding the basics of AI, machine learning, and LLMs may become increasingly important. This understanding can help librarians guide users more effectively and leverage these technologies to improve library services. Librarians must keep up with the latest trends and developments as technology advances. By gaining knowledge in AI, machine learning, and LLMs, librarians can better serve their users and provide more efficient and effective library services. With these skills, librarians can guide users in navigating the ever-changing landscape of technology and help them find the information they need.

Main Points

Meta AI announced an LLM called LLama, which showed performance comparable to GPT-3 despite its smaller size.

Meta AI has recently launched its new language model, LLama. Despite its relatively smaller size, LLama has demonstrated performance comparable to GPT-3. This development is highly significant for natural language processing, as it suggests that smaller models may be capable of achieving results similar to their larger counterparts. It will be intriguing to observe how LLama progresses and what implications it will have on the future of AI language models.

LLama was accidentally leaked on 4chan, leading to widespread downloading and a surge of open-source innovation.

Llama was inadvertently disclosed on 4chan, resulting in extensive downloads and a surge of open-source innovation. Numerous users who value its distinctive features and user-friendly interface have widely adopted this innovative software. Despite its modest origins, Llama has rapidly gained popularity among those seeking a dependable and efficient tool for their daily tasks. Its success can be attributed to the diligent efforts and unwavering commitment of its developers, who persistently enhance and refine the software to cater to the requirements of its expanding user community.

Several advanced LLMs built on LLama, such as Alpaca, Vicuna, Koala, ChatLLama, FreedomGPT, and ColossalChat, have since been developed and released. 

Several advanced LLMs, such as Alpaca, Vicuna, Koala, ChatLLama, FreedomGPT, and ColossalChat, have been developed and released on the LLama platform. These LLMs have many features and capabilities, including advanced natural language processing, machine learning, and deep learning algorithms. With the aid of these tools, users can analyze and comprehend complex data sets, generate high-quality content, and communicate more effectively with their audiences. Furthermore, as AI continues to evolve, we will probably witness the emergence of even more sophisticated LLMs built on LLama and other platforms in the future.

Stanford University released Alpaca, an instruction-following model based on the LLama 7B model.

Stanford University has recently unveiled a new instruction-following model named Alpaca. This model, built on the foundation of the LLama 7B model, has been designed to enhance the accuracy of natural language processing tasks. Alpaca is expected to be particularly beneficial in applications such as question answering, dialogue systems, and machine translation. With its advanced capabilities, Alpaca is poised to make a significant impact in the field of artificial intelligence and natural language processing.

Researchers from UC Berkeley, CMU, Stanford, and UC San Diego open-sourced Vicuna, which matches the performance of GPT-4.

Researchers from UC Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), Stanford University, and UC San Diego have recently made Vicuna an open-source tool. This new software can match the performance of GPT-4, a state-of-the-art language model. Vicuna's release is expected to significantly impact the natural language processing (NLP) field, providing researchers with a powerful new tool for developing and testing language models. With the open-source release of Vicuna, the research community now has access to a cutting-edge NLP tool that can help drive innovation and advance the field.

The Berkeley AI Research Institute released Koala, fine-tuned using internet dialogues.

The Berkeley AI Research Institute has recently unveiled a new language model, Koala, which has been fine-tuned using internet dialogues. This model has been trained on a vast dataset of online conversations, making it a powerful tool for natural language processing tasks, including text generation and language translation. With its advanced capabilities, Koala has the potential to revolutionize the field of artificial intelligence and bring us closer to achieving human-like language understanding.

Nebuly released ChatLLama, a framework for creating conversational assistants.

Nebuly has recently launched ChatLLama, a framework specifically designed to create conversational assistants. This innovative tool is expected to revolutionize our interactions with technology, enabling more natural and intuitive communication between humans and machines. With ChatLLama, developers can effortlessly build chatbots and virtual assistants that can comprehend and respond to human language, thereby simplifying the process of providing customer support, automating tasks, and enhancing the overall user experience. The release of ChatLLama is a significant milestone in conversational AI, and it is anticipated to profoundly impact how we interact with technology in the future.

FreedomGPT is an open-source conversational agent based on Alpaca based on LLama.

FreedomGPT is a conversational agent operating on an open-source platform based on Alpaca and LLama. Its primary objective is to provide users with a seamless and natural language processing experience. The platform is built on cutting-edge machine-learning algorithms that enable it to understand and respond to user queries in real time. As a result, FreedomGPT is a versatile tool that can be used for various applications, including customer service, education, and entertainment. The platform continuously evolves, with new features and capabilities regularly added to enhance the user experience.

UC Berkeley's Colossal-AI project released ColossalChat, a ChatGPT-type model with a complete RLHF pipeline based on LLama.

The Colossal-AI project at UC Berkeley has recently unveiled ColossalChat, a ChatGPT-type model with a complete RLHF pipeline based on LLama. This innovative model is poised to revolutionize the field of conversational AI, as it can generate human-like responses to a wide range of prompts. With its advanced language processing capabilities, ColossalChat has the potential to be utilized in a variety of applications, ranging from customer service chatbots to virtual assistants. The release of this model represents a significant milestone in the advancement of AI technology and is expected to have a profound impact on the industry.


- The Sequence. (2023). The LLama Effect: How an Accidental Leak Sparked a Series of Impressive Open Source Alternatives to ChatGPT. Retrieved from


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