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Friday, April 14, 2023

Keep Up to Date With Natural Language Searches on arXiv - arXiv-Feed


  • One-liner TLDRs for every paper
  • Semantic search for papers
  • Find similar papers

Features and Functionality

  • Simple to use
  • Button for PDF
  • Button for similar research
  • Clear summary snippets
  • Forgiving search
  • Minimalist interface
  • Fast

Benefits and Potential Use Cases

Helpful to keep up to date as it is friendly with natural language.

Drawbacks and Limitations

Limited to Arvix

Load time may vary 

Conclusion and Recommendations

Worth bookmarking for Reference

AI tools for librarian: Natural Language Processing for Simple Questions | Humana


Upload a PDF and start asking natural language questions.

Features and Functionality

  • No frills minimalist interface.
  • Knowledge is kept to what is contained in the document.
  • Keep questions worded in the fashion of the document.
  • Uses Natural Language Processing, so it is very forgiving in terms of your intent.

Benefits and Potential Use Cases

  • Saves time when you need to know something simple buried in the text.
  • You can use it on contracts, policies, instructions, and similar texts for asking natural language questions which are good if someone has a question about such documents.
  • Mixed results with asking questions about data in tables, but worth trying.

Drawbacks and Limitations

The data policy is complex.

I would not use it with any information that could be traced back to a person.
  • Free Tier
    • Max document size 60 pages
    • Process up to 60 pages for free

Conclusion and Recommendations

Worth it to make an account and bookmark.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Librarian Guide to Hands-on Learning ChatGPT Activities for Bibliographic Instruction: Citation Creation and Evaluation

Citation Creation and Evaluation

Teach students how to create and evaluate citations using ChatGPT. Have them practice generating citations in different styles (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) and ask ChatGPT to assess the accuracy and formatting of their sources.

I. Introduction

  • Explain the importance of creating accurate and properly formatted citations
  • Discuss the benefits of using ChatGPT for citation creation and evaluation

II. Creating Citations

  • Discuss the different citation styles (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago)
  • Provide resources for learning the rules and guidelines for each citation style
  • Demonstrate how to use ChatGPT to generate citations in different styles
  • Provide examples of influential and accurate citations

III. Evaluating Citations

  • Discuss the importance of evaluating the accuracy and formatting of citations
  • Explain how to use ChatGPT to evaluate citations for accuracy and formatting
  • Demonstrate how to input citations into ChatGPT for evaluation
  • Provide examples of correctly formatted citations and citations with errors

IV. Best Practices

  • Provide tips for creating and evaluating citations, such as using reliable sources and double-checking formatting
  • Discuss common mistakes to avoid when creating citations, such as inaccurate or incomplete information
  • Offer resources for learning more about citation creation and evaluation

V. Practice Exercises

  • Provide practice exercises for students to generate and evaluate citations using ChatGPT
  • Provide feedback on their exercises and offer suggestions for improvement

VI. Conclusion

  • Recap the main points of the guide
  • Encourage students to continue practicing citation creation and evaluation using ChatGPT
  • Offer to assist with any questions or issues they may have when using ChatGPT for citation creation and evaluation.


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